Token Economics


Total Token Supply

The total supply of Wagmi tokens is infinite, with an initial minting aimed at facilitating a 1:69 ratio migration for ICE token holders to WAGMI; post-migration, additional tokens are minted to acquire POL, incentivize leverage trading and GMI positions, as well as to build a strategy insurance fund.

Distribution of newly minted WAGMI:

1. Protocol Growth and Development (80%)

  • This portion (representing 80% of all new WAGMI tokens) is allocated to ensure protocol growth and development.

  • The uses include, but are not limited to:

    • Acquiring POL

    • Incentivizing leverage trading

    • Incentivizing GMI positions

    • Building a strategy insurance fund.

2. Operational Multisig (20%)

  • 20% of the newly minted WAGMI tokens are dispatched to an operational multisig.

  • This fund controls the tokens to ensure the smooth running of protocol operations. The uses include, but are not limited to:

    • Salaries

    • Legal fund

    • Treasury building

    • Grants

    • Financing audits

Control of POL

POL will be managed via the main multisig on each chain. Any transactions on this multisig can only commence after a snapshot vote, accompanied by a detailed description outlining the purpose and reasoning behind the intended action.

Inflation and Rewards

  • The inflation rate isn’t fixed. The protocol’s objective is to attain deflation as swiftly as possible.

  • Rewards are designed to offer a competitive APR for user liquidity.

  • These parameters are determined by various factors, including:

    • Target liquidity depth

    • Utilization rate

    • APR

    • Marketing requirements

Last updated