Description of mGMI - maybe gonna make it

With leverage, we are introducing the mGMI feature.

mGMI is currently available on the Kava and Metis networks.

Unlike GMI, where users join with WLP pairs supported by Wagmi strategies, here users can join with single assets such as Ethereum, Metis, Wagmi, and USDT.

Once there is a sufficient amount of assets in mGMI, a governance vote will be held where users decide on the deployment of assets into LPs.

For instance, the team will decide to use 1M USD of mGMI deposits for strategies involving 50% blue-chip assets, 25% mid-tier assets, and 25% highly volatile assets.

A governance vote will be held to support or decline such a decision.

All fees generated within mGMI are then split between mGMI holders, similar to GMI.

Last updated