Dice game rules

Bella Dice Game Rules

General Rules

  • Each dice roll is an isolated bet, allowing users to place and resolve bets independently.

  • The dice are regular six-sided dice, with numbers ranging from 1 to 6.

  • Users can place a separate bet on each dice and roll them individually or simultaneously.

  • Bets can vary for each dice, giving users the flexibility to play one, two, or all three dice at a time.

Betting and Rolling

  • Even Number Win: If a user rolls an even number (2, 4, 6), they win double their bet on that dice.

  • Odd Number Loss: If a user rolls an odd number (1, 3, 5), they lose their bet on that dice.

Special Combinations (Three Dice Rolls)

  • Triple Sixes (6,6,6): If a user rolls 6, 6, and 6 on all three dice in the same roll, they lose their entire balance, not just the individual bets.

  • Total of 69: If the sum of the numbers rolled on three dice equals 69 (e.g., 6, 5, 4 or 6, 6, 3), the user wins and their total bet is multiplied by 10. For example, if a user with 1000 points bets 10 points, the reward is 100 points.

  • Triple Same Numbers (1,1,1 or 2,2,2 or 3,3,3 or 4,4,4 or 5,5,5): If a user rolls three of the same number on all three dice, they lose the bet placed on that roll, but not their entire balance.


  • Each roll is independent, allowing for strategic betting.

  • Even rolls double your bet, while odd rolls cause a loss.

  • Beware of special combinations: triple sixes wipe out your balance, but a total of 69 or matching triples can significantly impact your game.

Enjoy the thrill of the Bella Dice Game and may the odds be in your favor!

Last updated