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Sixty Nine roll (69)

The "69 roll" rule in the Bella Dice Game is a special winning condition based on the sum of the numbers rolled on three dice. Here's how it works:

  • When you roll three dice, each dice can show a number between 1 and 6.

  • The "69 roll" rule comes into play if the sum of these three numbers, when interpreted as digits in a sequence, results in the number 69.

For example, here are a few combinations that would trigger the "69 roll" rule:

  • Rolling 6, 5, and 4 results in 654, which adds up to 69.

  • Rolling 6, 6, and 3 results in 663, which also adds up to 69.

When the sum of the dice equals 69 in this manner:

  • You win a significant bonus. Your total bet for that roll is multiplied by 10.


  • Suppose you have 1000 Bella points and you decide to bet 10 points on this roll.

  • If you hit the 69 roll rule (e.g., rolling 6, 6, and 3), your 10-point bet would be multiplied by 10, giving you a total of 100 points as a reward.

This rule adds an exciting, high-risk, high-reward element to the game, encouraging players to aim for this special combination during their dice rolls.

Tripe Six curse

The "Triple Six Curse" is a unique and risky rule in the Bella Dice Game. Here's how it works:

  • Triple Sixes (6, 6, 6): If you roll three sixes on all three dice in a single roll, you trigger the "Triple Six Curse."

What Happens When You Trigger the Triple Six Curse?

  • You lose your entire balance. Unlike regular rolls where only your bet is at stake, rolling 6, 6, 6 causes you to lose all the Bella points you have, not just the points you wagered for that particular roll.

This rule introduces a significant risk element to the game. While aiming for high rewards, players must be cautious of the "Triple Six Curse," as it can wipe out their entire balance in one unfortunate roll. It's the ultimate gamble, adding a thrilling and potentially devastating twist to the game.

All the same

The "All the Same" rule in the Bella Dice Game is another special condition that affects the outcome of your bet based on the numbers rolled on all three dice. Here’s how it works:

The "All the Same" Rule:

  • If you roll three identical numbers on all three dice (for example, 1, 1, 1 or 2, 2, 2, etc.), the "All the Same" rule is triggered.

What Happens When You Trigger the "All the Same" Rule?

  • You lose the bet placed on that roll. If you roll three of the same number, you lose the amount you wagered for that specific roll.

  • Your entire balance is safe. Unlike the "Triple Six Curse," this rule only affects the bet made on that particular roll, so the rest of your Bella points balance remains untouched.


  • 1, 1, 1: If you roll three 1s, you lose the points you wagered on that roll.

  • 2, 2, 2; 3, 3, 3; 4, 4, 4; or 5, 5, 5: The same outcome applies if you roll any other identical numbers—your bet for that roll is lost, but your remaining balance is unaffected.

Important Notes:

  • This rule adds an element of caution to the game. While rolling identical numbers might seem rare, it’s a possibility that players should be aware of, as it can result in losing your wager for that round.

The "All the Same" rule is a reminder that even when aiming for high rewards, the game has built-in risks that can turn a roll against you, keeping the gameplay exciting and unpredictable.

Last updated